There were 18 participants in the workshop. This is a summary of the event to give those not present an idea of how it went and what themes emerged.

Wednesday 17 January

After the opening meal, the group gathered for introductions and an outline of the timetable and ground rules. Each person had around 3-4 minutes to speak about their background and interest in the workshop. Around half the participants had never attended a SDN workshop.

Thursday 18 January

We are part of the destruction and reconstruction of life in the universe, and can choose to create or block change. Religious and cultural narratives need to evolve in a changing scientific environment. ...

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Wednesday 11 January

After the opening meal, the group gathered and the SDN guidelines were read, setting the ground rules for respectful interaction during the workshop. Each person introduced themselves, their range of interests and activities, and connections with SDN. The legacy of Ned Iceton was recalled, and the traditional Aboriginal custodians of the land were recognised.

Thursday 12 January

  • Commonground: Common Ground arose as an intentional community from the Melbourne Health Action Collective, with a focus on self-help. The vision remains, but modes change. The venue is used by a wide diversity of groups.

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