SDN Workshops are real and relevant, on a personal and social level, for those engaging actively and sincerely in the issues of our times.
The vital and central component of SDN membership is participation in recurrent workshops. Participants each discuss a wide range of self-chosen topics, covering everything from personal, through philosophical, professional, operational and practical issues.
The critical focus of all SDN workshops is the balance we arrive at between the personal, the group's 'family spirit', and the wider 'all-of-society' view. To assist us in this transition, the SDN has over many years established a cumulative and evolving culture of effective and supportive processes, reference guidelines (eg. the SDN Contract) and a core of experienced members - wherein lies the true wealth of our network. We create a culture of support and fairness, honesty and insight.
SDN workshops may challenge our views about ourselves and the world. This is because SDN is not just a feel-good experience - it strives to be real and relevant, on a personal and social level, for those engaging actively and sincerely in the issues of our times. Beyond this the SDN culture is at its core one of mutual appreciation and energizing group wholeness.
SDN workshops have no office bearers. What we have instead are self-starter members, and much depends on the role played at any given time. Key members may emerge, fade and re-emerge from time to time, depending on where they’re at.
SDN is not a commercial professional service, and every participant accepts responsibility for being part of a shared citizen experience.
What to expect
What can you expect during the course of a typical SDN workshop? We have prepared some preparatory information for those intending to attend their first workshop. What to expect.
The SDN agreement or 'contract'
The SDN agreement or 'contract' has been, and will continue to be, revised over the years as our 'network culture' evolves. It is used and referred to during workshops as an underlying basis to assist through the complexities and occasional difficulties which can arise. SDN Contract.
Workshop email notifications
SDN holds a main annual workshop, and periodic local workshops. Circulars are emailed to all active members, and other likely participants. Should you wish to receive this circular, please advise us. Request via our contact form.